Habitat Assessment - Ecological Inventories - Restoration Design - Environmental Effects Monitoring
East Coast Aquatics
ECA Projects
ECA Projects
Fisheries Assessment
Client: CBCL Ltd.

A series of quantitative fish and fish habitat surveys were undertaken for the client on three separate stream systems. Fish surveys consisted of three-pass removal electrofishing in a measured and enclosed section of stream. All fish were measured and identified before being returned alive to the stream reach. Habitat assessments were carried out over 2.6km of channel with continuous longitudinal measures of pool and riffle sequences being recorded. Other habitat measures included large woody debris tally by habitat unit; residual pool depth; riparian cover; bankfull and wetted width and depth measures; substrate composition; and disturbance indicators. Results were compiled and several indices calculated to determine relative habitat quality and fish productivity. All The quantified methodologies employed in the surveys and site georeferencing will allow the client to accurately replicate the surveys for future comparison.